Australia receives three new Mobile Air Traffic Management and Radar Systems


The Lansar 3D deployable medium range surveillance radar, part of Indra's DDATMCS. Photo c/o Defence Connect.

The Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) has received three new Defence Deployable Air Traffic Management and Control Systems (DDATMCS) from Spain’s Indra.

The new DDATMCS will allow the RAAF to rapidly deploy an airspace management system globally to assist in in rapid deployment operations in support of military air operations.

The system allows for a capability to safely support incoming flights when air traffic management infrastructure is absent or damaged in conflict areas, or during emergencies and disasters.

While Indra is the main contractor, it has also partnered with Australia’s Daronmont Technologies, which specialises in deployable infrastructure and manufactured the mobile control centres.

Two of the delivered DDATMCS includes a deployable Indra Lanza 3D medium range surveillance radar, and is integrated to a mobile Area Control Centre equipped with Indra’s Air Automation System.

This also includes Indra’s Monopulse Secondary Surveillance Radar equipped with a Mode 5 Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) and Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B) signal reception and treatment system. 

The third one is designed to support larger and more permanent RAAF deployments and includes an integrated Area Control Centre.

Aside from the physical DDATMCS equipment, Indra is also providing maintenance work for the system for five years.

The new DDATMCS was procured as part of the RAAF’s AIR 5341 Phase 1 project and will replace the RAAF’s existing Transportable Air Surveillance Radar (TASR), 

[2] Defence Connect
[3] Australian Department of Defence

Australia receives three new Mobile Air Traffic Management and Radar Systems Australia receives three new Mobile Air Traffic Management and Radar Systems Reviewed by Asia Pacific Defense Journal on April 11, 2023 Rating: 5

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